Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance Hub

The Hub committee sets direction, policy and resourcing for the activities of the working committees.

HFFA Hub Members

Sandra Dolson – Town of Caledon

Ruth Philips – Town of Orangeville

Emily Quinton – Central Counties Tourism and Goose + Gander

Marci Lipman – Headwaters Farm Fresh Guide

Ian Payne – Not So Hollow Farm

Amy Ouchterlony – Fiddle Foot Farm

Karen Hutchinson – Albion Hills Community Farm

Jennifer Payne* – Headwaters Communities in Action

Trish Keachie – Headwaters Communities in Action

Andrew Seagram – Upper Grand District School Board

Jacalyn Dryland – Dufferin Area Family Health Team

Bob Megens – volunteer

Allison Whitten* – Farm to School Program Coordinator

Nicole Hambleton – volunteer

Adelle Barr Klouman – volunteer

Landon Prescott – Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Rose Schmidt – Drawdown Headwaters / Climate Change Action Dufferin Caledon


The HFFA Hub currently has voting member vacancies in the following areas:

Business, Culture and Tourism (1)

Municipal Council Representative (1)

Public Health Representative (1)

Stakeholder at Large (1)

Farm to School Team

The mandate of the HFFA Farm to School Team (formerly the Education, Literacy & Access Working Group) is to educate residents by supporting school-based food and farming programs, community programs and outreach campaigns on food and farming issues and opportunities including food literacy, food access issues and farming education.

The primary objectives of the Farm to School Team are:

  • To support the education and engagement of our youth about local food and farming.
  • To collaborate with schools to provide children and youth with opportunities and experiences to learn about food and farming, including the economic and financial value of our food and farming culture in Headwaters.
  • To increase food literacy skills by promoting the preparation and consumption of healthy foods.
  • To advocate for increased access to culturally acceptable, safe and nutritious foods to meet dietary needs; in a manner that maintains human dignity.
  • To educate and engage people in Headwaters about food & farming issues and opportunities within the region by supporting the identification, replication, development and execution of successful programs and/or events.

Farm to School Team

Allison Whitten

Jennifer Payne

Nicole Hambleton

Anita Macfarlane

Karen Hutchinson

Headwaters Farm Fresh Guide

Responsible for coordinating and publishing, in collaboration with In The Hills Magazine, an annual directory listing farmers and food businesses in Dufferin, Caledon and Erin, also available online at headwatersfarmfresh.ca.

Signe Ball – In The Hills Magazine

Marci Lipman

Karen Hutchinson

Jennifer Payne

Communication and Website Subcommittee

Charged with the promotion of farm and food businesses in Headwaters through the HFFA website and other media.

Committee Members

Marci Lipman

Sandra Dolson

Jennifer Payne

Bob Megens

Vicki Sword


*Supported by Headwaters Communities in Action Staff